Internet Articles

 *** Some links are broken at the moment, these will be fixed when I find out the revised link ***

+++  Latest articles at the bottom of the page   +++

Greg Weaver of Soundstage Synergize

If you would like to read a review of our Rainbow Foil and other P.W.B. techniques by Greg Weaver and his article about freezing (December 1999) go to the page below: –

Greg Weaver’s April 1999 Rainbow Foil review

Greg Weaver’s July 1999 Cream Electret review

Greg Weaver’s December 1999 article on Freezing

There has now been a few feedback comments these can be found at: –

Feedback April 1999

Feedback May 1999

Feedback July 1999

Feedback July 2000

If you would like a free sample of P.W.B. Silver Rainbow foil and Cream Electret as mentioned in the Greg Weaver article, these are still available
Please send your full postal address to:-

[email protected]

A full reprint of the letter sent to Greg Weaver, (which he was not able to print in full due to limitations of space), which gives a back ground to our developments, can be found below:

The Full Letter – pdf file


The New York Times Article -November 2, 1999 by TERRY H. SCHWADRON
For the Musical Alchemist, a New Tack: Cryogenics


March 1st 2007 New article by May Belt on the Positive Feedback Online web site:-

October 27th New article by Bill Kenny on the MusicWeb International web site:-

Dave Clark has written another article called “Audio Ramblings – Faith and Belief in Audio”
and it can be found at the link below



Roger S Gordon has reviewed various products in Issue No 8 (August 2003) of the on-line Hi-Fi Magazine Positive Feedback
Visit the link below to read it.

Issue No 8 (August 2003) Positive Feedback

Carol Clark has reviewed the P.W.B. Red ‘x’ Pen in Issue No 12 (December 2000) of the audioMUSINGS Hi-Fi Magazine.

The following link takes you to Carol Clarks review of the Red ‘x’ Pen

What follows is a small selection from Carol’s review.

“……….Yes, dear reader, the pen works, and works brilliantly ! Let me describe what I did, what I heard, and more importantly, what an unsuspecting outside party heard when I performed my experiments. As with any such phenomenon, hearing for yourself is believing. Do not discount what you are about to read unless you are ready to try it yourself………..”

and Carol Clark ends her review with the statement

“………So, we now have my pictures housed in the freezer, and pieces of the special film bearing the names of our components and “> O.K.” attached to every piece of equipment we own. Crazy? As I stated in my previous article, these treatments cost nothing, or next to nothing, and they improve the listening experience substantially”

……………..Carol Clark audioMUSINGS Issue 12

If you would like to receive a full copy of Carol’s article, please request a copy by E-mailing your full postal address to us at the link below.

red x pen Article request

Carol Clark, with this latest article and her earlier one on the ‘freezing’ technique audioMUSINGS Issue 10 has joined Greg Weaver (who has written articles on P.W.B. techniques for Soundstage SynergizeApril 1999 July 1999 and December 1999 ) in becoming one of the small band of courageous audio journalists who are willing to let the public know of new developments, new thinking, new concepts which have a significant impact on the perception of sound.


A comment in the Bulletin Board section of MusicWeb International and Bill Kenny’s reply can be found via the link below

Second MusicWeb International article by Bill Kenny – 14th September 2005

Fourth Belgian Audio web page article now online – latest on the 21st August 2005

MusicWeb International article by Bill Kenny – 19th August 2005


If you would like to read an article by Carol Clark on ‘freezing’ technique (Issue 10 ) audioMUSINGS Please go to the link below:-

Issue 10 audioMUSINGS


Bill Kenny is inviting any discussion generated by his articles via the P.W.B. News Group.
For those who are not a subscriber to the P.W.B. News Group, your contribution can be sent to us for publication on your behalf.
May Belt.

25th January 2008
The Genius Loci Mystery:
Speculations on Domestic Listening, Room Energies, and PWB Products.

by Bill Kenny of MusicWeb International

The Genius Loci Mystery – pdf file

12th November 2007
‘Aa Canna’ Change The Laws Of Physics!’ : The Science of PWB Electronics
by Bill Kenny of MusicWeb International

Aa Canna – Change The Laws Of Physics – pdf file


4th June 2008

Part Three of my “An Alternative Look at Sound and the Perception of Sound” has just been published in Positive Feedback Online, see link below.

8th April 2008

Part Two of my “An Alternative Look at Sound and the Perception of Sound” has just been published in Positive Feedback Online, see link below.

12th March 2008

An article has just been published in Positive Feedback Online under the heading “An Alternative Look at Sound and the Perception of Sound” by May Belt.

The basic theme underlying the article being ‘it might be the human being who is doing the changing’ – which, in turn, changes how we perceive the sound !!!

Which is something that users of P.W.B. Techniques are already aware of.

Comments are always welcome via the P.W.B. Yahoo group on this article.

Kind Regards,



10th July 2008

There is an interesting article by Clark Johnsen just published in Positive Feedback Online (link below)
making a reference to the P.W.B. Christmas Card ( a Belt device) and Belt concepts.
Clark’s article shows that the controversial debate on just what can affect ‘sound’ is STILL continuing.   Clark’s latest article describes yet more things which can affect the ‘sound’ but which cannot be explained from within conventional electronic, audio or acoustic theories.
Kind Regards,
May Belt.


PWB Electronics News update –  July 2012

Article by Dr Bill Gaw on the P.W.B. Cream-Electret in “Enjoy The Music” magazine

Below is a link below to the latest article on one of our products – the P.W.B Cream-Electret.   The July 2012 article is written by Dr Bill Gaw in the Internet Hi FI magazine “Enjoy The Music”.


Stereophile Article April and May 2012

Art Dudley, a reviewer writing for the American Hi Fi magazine Stereophile, has recently written two interesting articles about Peter and May Belt and PWB Electronics.

Art’s first article “A Conversation with May Belt” has now been published on the Home Page of Stereophile and is therefore available for anyone to read.   The link to it is given below.

The second article, May 2012 issue, mainly centred on Art’s experience with the Cream-Electret, can now be read on line at the Stereophile magazine web page below


Reference The Sound Dowsing article July 2015.

Hi ,

You may remember Bill Kenny who was the Regional Editor for the MusicWeb International Internet magazine. He wrote a few articles about us for MusicWeb.

He gradually became seriously interested in the beneficial effect (on the sound) of Morphic Messages and began discovering and then writing his own versions – with success. Someone he knows – Nigel Twinn (who is a Dowser) – also became seriously interested after he also heard the effect of the Morphic Labels which Bill had written !!.

They decided to write a book about their experiences and to publish it (in printed form). Then they changed their mind and decided to have it as a web site.

Peter and I and Bill Kenny decided, even though it is a difficult subject to get across to people, that it should be ‘given a good airing’ however difficult !!

A link to it – on the front page of MusicWeb International site – has now been provided.

Scroll down to Notices, then scroll down to “Have you seen – Sound Dowsing”

Also below is a direct link to the Sounddowsing site.

There are many references to our work throughout the whole of the writings (book ?) especially in the section named PWB Electronics – Pioneer.

Kind Regards,