PWB discussion forum – Introduction

Hello – an update – We have now migrated the Yahoo group over to


Dear All,

I would like to take this opportunity to invite you to participate in a PWB Internet discussion forum.

Over the last few months a considerable number of people have shown interest in Peter Belt’s revolutionary ideas and products. Many of them have become PWB customers. For this reason, it seems appropriate to provide a forum where any ideas, suggestions, queries and experiences related to PWB products and theories can be exchanged. I sincerely hope that this will not detract in any way from the Newsletter (which is available on-line at ), but will provide an additional, supplementary and more interactive conduit of communication.

The ‘closed community’ format of a yahoo E-mail forwarded discussion group seems, by far, the most suitable medium for a forum. The restricted nature of the mailing list provides a non critical environment under which we are able to post messages with confidence, free from the ‘flames’ and derision prevalent on other audio discussion forums.

To participate in the forum, please go to

Click on the “Join this group”. Then click on the “sign up now ” to set up a yahoo membership. It’s all pretty straightforward stuff. Alternatively, you can E-mail me and I’ll subscribe you. However, if you subscribe yourself you are then able, at anytime, either to change your settings or to unsubscribe yourself. You have a choice of three ways to view messages, Daily Digest, Individual E-mails and No Mail/Web Only. There will be a confirmation E-mail sent to you to validate your request to join. Once the moderator signs you in, you will then be free to participate in the Forum.

Obviously, the success of a PWB discussion forum depends on your willingness to participate and exchange ideas etc. From my recent trial of The Missing Link Tie on Clip, and my utter astonishment at the resulting improvement to sound from CD’s, and sound and vision from video format, I have become acutely aware of the lack of opportunity to relate this experience to anyone not familiar with this device. (You simply MUST obtain this device, even if only for a trial period!) I am sure that there are many customers who have similar information and experiences that will help others to take full advantage of PWB devices and treatments. Also, some customers have built up invaluable expertise in the use of specific PWB devices and treatments which, if shared, can only benefit both newcomers and ‘old hands’ alike.

Apart from the exchange of hints, ideas and experiences directly related to PWB devices and treatments, I hope the discussion forum will also generate a wider debate about such things as; Sheldrake’s theories, anomalies of nature, and science in general. But obviously this will depend on interested parties. If you have any problem joining the discussion group, then please contact me:-

Graham at [email protected]

Kind regards,

Graham Belt